• Education

How to plan a point-to-point swim

Point-to-point swims are some of the most exciting. Here are our top tips to take into consideration when planning a point-to-point swim with your swim group.

Point-to-point swims, otherwise known as journey swims, are Australia’s ocean swimmers’ favourite type of swim due to their sense of adventure and accomplishment. They can also be the most scenic.

But starting at one point and finishing at another can be quite complex and take a lot of planning to sure a safe, comfortable and enjoyable swim.

Here are our top tips to take into consideration when planning a point-to-point swim with your swim group.

1. Plan your route on a map

As much as jumping in the ocean and swimming to an island or a few beaches down might sound appealing, planning is the best way to get the most out of your swim.

Before jumping in for a point-to-point swim jump on Google My Maps to plan out the exact route of your swim, how far it will be and how you will return to your start destination once completing the swim.

2. Consider your return transport

Hence the name, a point-to-point swim leaves you at a different destination to the one you first started at.

Before starting your point-to-point swim journey, work out how you are going to get back to your starting point.

Some of our favourite ways are to walk (if it’s not too far), catch public transport or an Uber, ask a friend to meet you at your finish destination and car share back to your start destination. Another good way to do this is for one swimmer to drop their car at the finish and be picked up by another swimmer. For this to work, you will need to carry a car key or leave a key in a keylock.

3. Know your exit points

Apart from knowing your starting entry point and your finishing exit point for the swim, it is also important to know any emergency exit points you can use along the way.

Knowing exactly what points you could exit the water at throughout the swim if you need to or if something goes wrong is critical to make sure you and your swim group are safe during the whole swim.

4. Have a guide or water safety

Ask a friend or fellow swim group member who might not want to do the swim to be your water safety.

All they need to do is jump in a kayak or on a rescue board and paddle next to the group keeping an eye on everyone throughout the swim.

Having someone paddling next to you can also help with swimming in a straight line, which means no going off course and swimming those pesky extra kilometres no one likes, and they can also carry gear in a dry bag.

5. Pack a drybag

Pack a dry bag with some water, a snack if you choose, and a first aid kit in case of an emergency. You can also pack your phone in a waterproof phone case if you choose, in case you get into trouble and need to call for help while in the water.

You can either swim with your bag in a tow float behind you or ask your guide to put it in their kayak or on their board.

Finally, on the day of your swim check the weather and surf forecast to be sure conditions are going to be safe for the entirety of your swim.

For more tips on swim safety while socially ocean swimming, check out OceanFit’s 10 Tips For Safe Social Ocean Swims.

  • Written by Ocean Swims on 11 April 2023
  • (Updated on 3 August 2023)



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