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Take a swim on the wild side

Wild swimming is a great way to enjoy your favourite activity in nature, learn what it’s all about and how to get involved.

I’ve been getting wild lately, really wild.

Not the angry kind of wild (that’s reserved for Council’s that schedule beach-side works in the spring).

I’m talking about the “wild swimming’ kind of wild.

The term has snuck into Australia over the last couple of years from the UK, and it’s now becoming a permanent part of the ocean swimmer’s vocabulary.

So, what is it?

Well, what we love to do – swimming in the ocean – is a form of wild swimming.

But that’s not what we refer to when we talk about wild swimming.

Wild swimming, in the form we’ve come to love, is about finding remote locations in nature to take a dip.

Whether it’s a naturally formed rock pool, a picturesque waterfall, tree-lined creek, an alluring crystal clear lake, or a secluded beach or cove, if it’s in nature, it’s wild swimming.

In the off-season, my partner Jule’s and I have scouted out some pretty spectacular swimming spots, and it’s been a lot of fun.

It hasn’t been hard to leave a heaving Bondi on the weekends to enjoy a day trip to an uninhabited swimming spot that we might end up sharing with only the frogs and the ferns. We pack a lunch, settle-in on the water’s edge and take in nature at its finest.

So how do we know where to go? Well, that’s the easy part.

Thanks to some fantastic resources, finding a wild swimming spot has never been easier. These two are by far the best.

If there is even a hard part, it’s probably accessibility, so make sure you check what’s involved in the hike before you go, and take plenty of drinking water.

Other than that, all you’ll need is a bit of courage to slip into the often darker, cooler, unfamiliar waters – just be sure to check the water before you slip in – clothing optional, of course.

At OceanFit you can join us on our very own wet and wild weekends. On our guided wild swimming adventures, we leave the city, break away from the grind of the day-to-day, and head off on an unforgettable journey.

First published on

  • Written by Ocean Swims on 9 October 2017
  • (Updated on 6 August 2023)



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