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There are no losers, "Winning is doing"

Jane asks “what is winning?” on her journey to enjoy every moment of her new ocean swimming lifestyle.

Written by Jane Gardiner

So many times I’ve heard that 2nd place in a race means you’re the first loser.

Recently, I came last in an ocean swim. I was 221st out of 221.

Does that mean I’m 220th loser?

No, it doesn’t.

In my mind, I won.

What did I win?

A slow and steady start with not one foot, flipper or arm smacking into me.

Peace and quiet out the back.

The chance to enjoy the scenery.

A personal escort from the surf patrol on a jet ski, paddle board and boat.

The people on the ferry waving.

Cheers from the crowd at the end.

Congratulations and praise as I got out of the water.

Three girls who did the shorter race yelling “girl power” and me inspiring them to do the longer distance next year.

The joy of completing a personal challenge.

Why is winning so important?

It is to some and that’s okay.

For me, winning is doing.

You can follow Jane’s Body Image Movement on her Facebook page, where her goal is to get the next generation of young woman to dive into life without thinking about how they look.

Also by Jane: “Have a go. Get in and do it!” Jane’s motto after life-changing ocean swims

First published on

  • Written by Ocean Swims on 27 January 2019
  • (Updated on 4 August 2023)



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