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How to train for a 1km ocean swim

Aiming for your first 1km or getting back into it after a break? Follow our 1km ocean swim training program to get you ready for race day.

Are you catching the ocean swimming bug and keen to take on your very first 1km ocean swim?

Or, maybe you’ve had a bit of a break and would love to get back in the water starting with a manageable distance like 1,000m?

You’re not alone, 1km ocean swim distances have proven to be a popular distance for many at ocean swim events. And, why wouldn’t they be? They’re quick and manageable and the training is easy to fit into your daily routine.

So let’s get you prepared to swim 1km, or, 20 lengths of an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

Related article: How to train for a 2km ocean swim

How long does it take to train for a 1km ocean?

As long as you’ve got some experience with swimming freestyle, a relatively efficient stroke and a basic level of general fitness, you can train for a 1km ocean swim from scratch in 4-5 weeks.

How much training am I going to need to do per week?

A minimum of two sessions per week, ranging from 1-2 km, will get you to the level you need to be at to confidently stand on the start line and know you can conquer the 1km ocean swim.

These sessions should include a mixture of speed work and aerobic base training.

What gear will I need?

  • Goggles
  • Pull buoy
  • Kickboard
All you need to train is a few basic pieces of equipment; a kickboard and a pull buoy

What will my training look like?

If you have a basic level of swim fitness and are working on building it up, follow the training guide below starting at Phase One.

If you are starting from scratch and have no swim fitness, you should follow the training guide below starting from Phase Zero. This will help you build an initial aerobic base and get you back into the routine of training again.

This training guide gives you the distance you should be achieving each session and the specific skills you should be focusing on during each training week.

If you feel the sessions are too long to start with, simply take 100m or 200m off across the session.

If at any time you feel like you’re not progressing as you’d expect, repeat a week of training and extend the training period.

The flat water location of the Sydney harbour Splash event is great for beginners and those getting back into the open water

1km Ocean Swim Training Program

Phase Zero (To build up if starting from scratch)

Volume: Each session is between 800m – 1.2km
Focus: Building your aerobic base

Session One

200m easy swim
300m medium speed
4 x 50m (25m medium speed, 25m easy speed)
200m pull buoy

Total: 900m

Session Two

300m easy swim
8 x 50m pull buoy (1 x easy speed, 1 x fast speed)
4 x 100m medium speed
100m easy swim

Total: 1.2 km

Phase One (Week 1)

Volume: Aim for each session between 1km – 1.5km
Focus: Building your aerobic base, getting a feel of your technique and speed

Session One

8 x 50m easy swim
4 x 100m pull buoy medium speed
4 x 100m medium speed
100m easy

Total: 1.3km

Session Two

2 x 200m easy swim
8 x 50m (1 x easy speed, 1 x fast speed)
2 x 200m pull buoy medium speed
3 x 100 kick

Total: 1.5km

Phase Two (Week 2)

Volume: Aim for each session between 1.8km – 2km
Focus: Maintaining the aerobic base you have built up while gaining speed

Session One

200m easy swim
12 x 50m (1 x easy speed, 1 x fast speed). Take 20 seconds rest before the fast one.
1 x 300m fast speed.
2x200m pull buoy medium speed
300m easy

Total: 1.8km

Session Two

6 x 50m easy swim
8 x 100m (1 x easy speed, 1 x fast speed). Take 30 seconds rest before the fast one.
6 x 50m kick medium speed
6 x 50m pull buoy medium speed
200m easy swim

Total: 2km

Phase Three (Week 3)

Volume: Aim for each session between 1.4km – 1.6km
Focus: On your skills breathing and keeping your legs kicking throughout each session as well as having a high elbow and catch

Session One

4 x 200m (1 x easy speed, 1 x medium speed)
6 x 50m pull buoy (1 x easy speed, 1 x fast speed)
2 x 100m kick medium speed
100m easy

Total: 1.4 km

Session Two

4 x 100m easy swim
4 x 100m pull buoy (1 x easy speed, 1 x fast speed)
4 x 100m medium speed
4 x 100m pull buoy (2 x medium speed, 2 x easy)

Total: 1.6km

Phase Four (Event week)

Volume: Aim for between 1km – 1.4km as you prepare for event day
Focus: Speed and technique

Session One

200m easy swim
6 x 100m, 2 x (1 x easy speed, 1 x medium, 1 x fast)
300m pull buoy medium speed
4 x 50m kick (25m fast, 25m easy)
100 easy

Total: 1.4km

Session Two

300m easy swim
8 x 50m (1 x easy speed, 1 x fast speed). Take 30 seconds rest before the fast one.
300m pull buoy medium speed
200m easy

Total: 1.2km

  • Written by Ocean Swims on 10 January 2023
  • (Updated on 4 August 2023)



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