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Mona Vale swim named in memory of club legend Janice Mason

In recognition of Janice Mason’s incredible impact on the surf club community, Mona Vale SLSC has named their annual 1km ocean swim the Janice Mason Family Fun Swim in her memory.

Janice Mason was a much-loved P.E teacher, clubbie and Dawnbuster swimmer. Described as a phenomenal athlete by her peers, she succeeded at whatever sport she turned her hand to. 

Sadly, in May of 2020, Ms Mason passed away during her daily morning swim ritual with the Dawnbusters across the Mona Vale basin. 

Ms Mason, a legend of Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club, had been a member since 1989, moving through the ranks from nippers to senior club, taking on the roles of chief instructor and race secretary, herself winning multiple medals at branch, state and Aussies level. 

In recognition of Ms Mason’s incredible impact on the surf club community, Mona Vale SLSC named the annual 1km ocean swim the Janice Mason Family Fun Swim in her memory. 

Ms Mason’s husband Alan, a past Mona Vale SLSC president and life member, said “it is truly lovely that they have named the event after her.” 

“It’s a wonderful opportunity for her memory to live on and remember all the things she did at the surf club.” 

Unfortunately, Mr Mason won’t be able to swim in the event this year due to an injury but his two daughters Brigitte and Rowan will be swimming. 

“I can’t swim in the event this year because I’m currently hobbling around in a boot with a broken big toe,” said Mr Mason. 

“But my two daughters will be swimming and I will be announcing on the day.”

Mr Mason and his two daughters after last year’s memorial swim. L-R: Brigitte, Mr Mason & Rowan.

When asked what Mr Mason liked about the event his reply was simple: “the camaraderie”. 

“My wife and I have always loved event days because it is one of those days where the surf club really comes together and everyone helps out,” said Mr Mason.

“There is a huge club effort and a great sense of camaraderie.”

The Warriewood to Mona Vale Ocean Swim raises vital money to support the club which provides critical support to the community which Mr Mason now knows all too well how important it is.

“People should really come and do to Mona Vale swim to support the surf club because they are a volunteer organisation and provide a hell of a community service,” said Mr Mason.

“We know bad things can happen to people in the ocean and I now know all too well how they can unfold, but the members of the surf club are there when people do get in trouble.”

“So people can really support the club and help fundraise for the vital equipment we need by doing the swim.” 

To join Mr Mason and his two daughters Brigitte and Rown in supporting the Mona Vale SLSC while swimming in Ms Mason’s memory, head along to the Warriewood to Mona Vale Swim & Family Swim on Sunday, 23 January 2022.

As well as the 1km Janice Mason Family Fun Swim there is a 2.26km swim from Warriewood to Mona Vale, named after life member Don ‘Doc’ Jenkins. The minimum age for both swims is 12-years-old.

Entries close at 3pm, Saturday 22 January. 

Ms Mason’s daughters Rowan and Brigitte with grandaughter Mia in last year’s swim.

  • Written by Ocean Swims on 17 January 2022
  • (Updated on 10 August 2023)



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