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New Year's resolutions for ocean swimmers

It’s the new year, so that means you need New Year’s resolutions! Here are our top five New Year’s resolutions you can stick to for all of 2022.

With the most disruptive two years of a generation behind us, we all have high hopes for 2022.

A new year brings new opportunities, new hope, and of course New Year’s resolutions.

We’ve all been sucked into making New Year’s resolutions at the start of the year, only to fail at the first hurdle, but 2022 could be your year in you choose ocean swimming resolutions! 

Here are our top five New Year’s resolutions for ocean swimmers this year.

1. Pick a new ocean swim 

It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of doing the same ocean swim each year. 

We get comfortable with our regular swims, we know the conditions, the beach and what the ocean has to offer. 

But in 2022 it’s time to broaden your horizons and enter at least one new ocean swim event.

You could find a new ocean swim in your local area or team up with a couple of swim buddies to try a new swim and enjoy a weekend away.

Find your new swim for 2022 on our events calendar.

2. Up the ante

We all have to start somewhere in ocean swimming; that may be a 500m ocean swim, 1km ocean swim or 2km ocean swim.

The problem we often encounter after starting our ocean swimming journey is that we get stuck in our comfort zone.

We start to improve because we are swimming more and becoming more familiar and confident in the ocean but we get stuck on our starter distance.

In 2022 it’s time to tackle a new swim distance, tackle a 3km ocean swim or maybe you want to really up the ante and try a 5km ocean swim.

Check out OceanFit’s free training programs to help you up the ante in 2022.

3. Practise your skills regularly

If you’re an ocean swimmer, it should be a given that you know the skills that you need to swim efficiently in the open water; streamlining, sighting and dolphining diving just to name a few. 

But it’s easy to get so caught up in getting our daily ocean swim in that we forgot to practice them. 

All it takes is five to ten minutes at the beginning or end of each ocean swim to practise your skills and you’ll instantly start to see results. 

In 2022, take the time to practice your skills:

  • Practise streamlining through the waves on your regular ocean swim
  • Take five minutes at the end of your ocean swim to practice body surfing
  • Practice your sighting in your pool swim sessions.

4. Commit to a set amount of swim sessions a week 

In a perfect world, we would all say to ourselves that we want to swim X amount of times a week and we complete them all, but life can get in the way and we miss sessions, usually because we are too tired and too busy.

So, in 2022 it’s time to commit to your swim sessions. 

Sit down and work out a plan of how many pool and open water sessions you think you can commit to and fit into your weekly schedule and then lock them in.

Put your schedule on the fridge and tell your family and friends what you’re committing too – there’s nothing like a bit of peer pressure to slay those goals! 

5. Go on a swim trip with your swimming buddies 

Who doesn’t love a trip away with their friends! 

The feeling of escaping daily life and having some fun with our friends is indescribable.

But imagine going on a swim trip away with your friends, it’s even better.

OceanFit have the perfect swim holiday for you and your swim buddies in 2022. 

Their Swim the Whitsundays tour is one epic holiday filled with swims in secluded bays, along white sand beaches and around tropical islands. 

Sound the holiday of your dreams? It sure is.

Not only will you be swimming every day in the azure blue waters of the Whitsundays but you also get to snorkel at the world heritage listed Great Barrier Reef, relax on Whitehaven Beach, SUP and relax in the bow net of the 119-year-old Solway Lass. 

  • Written by Ocean Swims on 1 January 2022
  • (Updated on 3 August 2023)



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