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North Bondi set to shine in new December date

The annual Roughwater has been rescheduled to December to make way for exciting surf sports events on Bondi Beach in January.

The North Bondi Roughwater is usually one of the first ocean swims of the year but this year it’s set to shine with its new December date.

This season the Roughwater has been rescheduled to Sunday, 12 December, due to the Nutri-Grain Ironman Series and Summer of Surf being held at Bondi in January, events that the host club will have its hands full managing.

The Roughwater and its sister event the North Bondi Classic (13 Feb, 2022) are offered up as a pair and the club offers special discounts for those wanting to participate in multiple swims.

Both swims offer two ocean swim distances; 1km and 2km.

Swimmers can enter one swim for $45, two swims for $70, three swims for $90, and four swims for $100.

The number of swims can be completed within one event or split across both events, for example, you could purchase two swims and swim them both in the Roughwater, or you could swim once in each event. Keen to swim them all? No problem, purchase four swims and accumulate 6km over both events.

Andre Slade of OceanFit, who runs their popular ocean swimming clinics at Bondi, suggests newer ocean swimmers might like to split the distances over both events and build up to the greater distance.

“For those swimmers building up their fitness and ocean confidence over summer, this is a great opportunity to start with the 1km in December and then further test themselves over the 2km distance in February,” said Slade.

“The great thing about this strategy is that you’ll be more comfortable with the location and event and you’ll no doubt surprise yourself with how far you’ve come by the end of summer.”

These swims are a great opportunity to swim at Australia’s most iconic beach and enjoy a day in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, all while supporting North Bondi SLSC’s volunteer lifesaving services.

For more event details and to enter, head to the North Bondi Roughwater event listing.

  • Written by Ocean Swims on 25 November 2021
  • (Updated on 4 August 2023)



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